Beef Fillet
Transform your dinner cruise in Paris into an exceptional gastronomic experience by choosing our Beef Fillet option as an addition. This gourmet dish, carefully prepared by our chef, replaces the main course of your package.
TrilogieFoie Gras de canard, chutney de potimarron
Saumon gravlax parfumé à l’aneth
Tartare de betterave, crème Chambord
Au choixSuprême de volaille Label Rouge, Carottes caramélisées, purée de panais, jus court au thym.
Pavé de cabillaud, sauce au curry Breton, Pleurotes, fèves et pommes grenailles.
Filet de boeuf sauce Rouennaise, Gratin de pomme de terre au parfum de truffe. (supplément 15€)
Au choixPomelos tiède au beurre vanillé.
Croustillant chocolat-noisette.
Panna cotta à la châtaigne, crème montée au gingembre confit.
As an addition to your package
The beef fillet option replaces the main course included in the menu of your package.
How to Choose the Beef Fillet Option?
To benefit from this option, simply select it at the time of your online booking.